
Creating a Holistic Workplace: Amare Global’s Biophilic Design Mission

For their first headquarters, Amare Global’s goals was for their space to reflect their mission of holistic wellness. Their design team at Interior Architects stayed true to this mission, incorporating many elements of biophilic design to create a space that promoted well-being for employees and visitors.

MetWest stayed true to this mission as well with our installations of custom gradient film in the space. Making use of natural light was of primary concern to the client, and balancing this with privacy concerns presented a challenge. Gradient film was a perfect solution, allowing much of the sunlight to transmit into the conference spaces while still increasing privacy.

The gradients were customized to create a branded artistic centerpiece for the lobby. The deep purple fade creates a calming atmosphere that reinforces the brand’s mission of mental care and wellness.

Incorporating a custom printed logo and mission into the design, the installation doubles as branded signage for the lobby that reinforces the company’s brand in a way that flows cohesively with the rest of the natural elements.

The gradients were printed by MetWest on PVC-free window film, a sustainable material choice that minimizes the negative impact on the environment and optimize the well-being of the space’s users.

sq. ft Interiors
m2 Neon Light Installed
m2 Decorative Film
Custom Gradient Film: Creating a Branded Lobby Centerpiece

The deep purple fade, customized to incorporate the company's logo and mission, reinforces the brand's message of mental care and wellness.

Balancing Natural Light and Privacy

The gradients were customized to create a branded artistic centerpiece for the lobby, reinforcing the company's mission of mental care and wellness.

Sustainable and Innovative Solutions

Use of PVC-free window film aligns with the project's commitment to promoting well-being and minimizing the negative impact on the environment.

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