
Edmunds celebrates 50th anniversary with new HQ

Edmunds, the vehicle-shopping network, celebrated its 50th anniversary by opening a new multi-million-dollar headquarters in Santa Monica, California. 

Designed by M+M Creative Studio, the new 143,000-square-foot facility, dubbed “EdQuarters,” features a 6,000-pound 1966 Corvette suspended from the second floor; an LED lit, umbrella shaded patio; coffee bar; and a host of other eye-popping visual elements. The overall design has earned the space dozens of industry honors and recognition in virtually every business and trade publication that recognizes workspace design.

Collaboration is a key component of the Edmunds culture, permeating every aspect of M+M Creative Studio’s design. For the headquarters, the design called for 10,000 square area across a main conference room, supporting offices, and pillars.

Most importantly, Peerhatch eliminates ghosting, protecting Edmunds’ investment through a high-quality wall covering with a lifespan many, many times longer than traditional paint and film products. “Having such a huge branded writable wall surface was a game-changer that complemented our inspirational, value added space design,” said Chris Mitchell, CEO of M+M Creative Studio, the firm responsible for the interior design of the Edmunds headquarters and its Peerhatch installation. “The conference room wall covering will serve as a collaborative hub for the employees, partners and visitors to Edmunds for years to come.”

Peerhatch Writable Wall:

Inspire Innovation and Collaboration

Enter MetWest’s patented product Peerhatch, a writable wall covering that features customizable, mural graphics designed to inspire collaborative workplaces. Complementing M+M Creative Studio’s design, MetWest installed what is now the largest writable wall surface in the world. It is resilient and easy to maintain.

Square Feet
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Floor Building

Privacy with Frosted Window Film

MetWest also installed extensive custom glass graphics throughout the space. Frosted window film with a custom cut decorative dot pattern was installed on both floors to provide privacy for offices and meeting rooms, all while adding another interesting aspect to the highly crafted and highly custom visual identity of the space.

Fuel Collaboration at Edmunds

Although the conference room is the largest single writable wall at the Edmunds.com headquarters, all of the wall graphics in the space were made with the same Peerhatch wall covering. From branded conference rooms, to columns decorate with car logos, the material choice serves as a testament to Edmund’s commitment to innovation and teamwork.


Award-Winning Design by M+M Creative Studio for Edmunds

EdQuarters is Edmunds' award-winning new headquarters with 143,000 sq. ft. for 600+ employees. Designed by M+M Creative Studio, it features a suspended Corvette, LED-lit patio, coffee bar, and collaborative design.

Glass Graphics and Frosted Film: Redefining Privacy

MetWest's custom glass graphics and frosted window film installation at Edmunds provides privacy and adds a stylish touch to the space. The frosted window film features a custom cut pattern, while the glass graphics complement the space's aesthetics.

Boost Collaboration with Peerhatch Writable Wall

Peerhatch Writable Wall at Edmunds features customizable mural graphics, boosts collaboration, and eliminates ghosting with a high-quality wall covering.

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Collage of four office spaces featuring vibrant wall graphics and custom design elements: a motivational staircase mural with words like 'Integrity' and 'Resiliency,' a playful alligator character on the wall, a large eye mural with a 'real.d' sign, and a frosted glass wall with values like 'Integrity' and 'Innovation.
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