Design For Every Industry

Design For Every Industry

Great design isn’t just for the creative sector. Every industry has something special to celebrate. You’re doing great work, and you should honor your accomplishments. The design of your workplace should reflect your company’s accomplishments.

In this blog we’d like to share some clients who – although their industry you might not immediately associate with bold creativity, used creative decorative film in their workspace to showcase their incredible contributions. 

Food Industry

Expecting 8 ft high hamburger graphics? There’s plenty of other ways to pay tribute to this work with a little more elegance.

Rather than opt for the traditional frosted privacy band, the above client saw a design opportunity. For a produce company like this, an office environment is as far removed from the core of their work as possible. Unfortunately, even the agricultural sector can’t escape paperwork. However, the lush agricultural imagery on this decorative film install suggests the literal roots of the company’s products. The beautiful greenery of the fields livens up with space with color and is a great reminder of what their efforts are reaping.

Our second food industry client takes a totally different approach to achieve a just as engrossing result. This beer distribution company wanted to celebrate the long and dramatic history of beer distribution in the United States.

By melding typography, historical documents, illustrations, as well as photographs, they are able to create a collage that shares and celebrates centuries of work. It successfully creates a memorable aesthetic for the conference space as well as educates visitors in a much more exciting way than an online “About Us” page.

Travel & Tourism

Travel & Tourism is an industry that’s perfectly poised for great environmental design with decorative film. To sell their service, travel and tourism companies need to sell the appeal of a faraway destination. They need clients to envision themselves on that beach in Bali or the mountaintops of Switzerland.

As a result, skillful photography is a vital part of the business. And the perfect resource for custom wall graphics. Travel photography is already enormously powerful in 4×6 prints, and blown up to full wall size, it can create an exciting and immersive experience using custom decorative film. This cruise company can bring dozens of its incredible destinations into the office with this strategy.


Design is all about innovation, so education is a perfect match. While most schools use some environmental branding to bolster school pride and unity, there are some that take a few steps further than murals of mascots.

This client uses a custom writable decorative film wall covering to achieve several goals:

1) Brighten and energize the space with color

2) Inspire students with its messaging

3) Create a huge writable space for many students to work together

Great design after all isn’t just about aesthetics. And with writable wall covering, not only can you achieve branding and motivation, you are adding a very valuable functional resource to the space.


Healthcare has long embraced careful interior design choices. Creating an environment that facilitates recovery is the number one goal, and a number of small factors can affect that. Design can actually impact your physical health! For example, vibrant red walls can increase your blood pressure.

But no danger of that in this example — this mental health company uses soothing colors in their beautiful branded custom decorative film gradient. The calming blues and purples add to the overall feel of serenity in this space, all while providing valuable privacy.


Insurance is perhaps not the first line of work that comes to mind when you think of “fun.” Probably not for “creativity” either. It might come to the top of the “most paperwork” list. Nevertheless, insurance employees can enjoy exciting design too. This client had no fear about being bold. With 24 ft high bright yellow decorative film graphics, you can’t miss their core mission: “We’re here to help.” It’s a beacon of positivity for employees and visitors alike.

Celebrate The Work You Do

What makes the work you do special? What company or history would you like to share? We hope that the projects we’ve shared in this blog have inspired you. Our design team would love to help bring your tribute to life and bring great design into your workspace. Let’s get started!

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