2023 Highlights at MetWest

MetWest custom mural featuring abstract blue whales with dynamic geometric patterns on a modern office hallway wall.

2023 Highlights at MetWest

Starting off 2024, we not only look forward to exciting future opportunities, we like to take a moment to look back at how far we come. That’s why in this blog, we’d like to take a moment to share some of our proudest accomplishments of 2023. So what were some of the highlights of MetWest 2023?

A vibrant, abstract custom graphic wall wrap in the MetWest conference room, featuring bold colors and dynamic geometric shapes.

Opened Our Showroom for Tours

As we grew, we came to realize we needed a space to showcase in person all that we are capable of, and so a lot of thought and care went into creating our top accomplishment of 2023: The MetWest Showroom. This beautiful space in downtown Long Beach brings together a large variety of our offered materials and production techniques to really show off what you can do with custom wall and glass finishes. Our showroom installations include dry-erase wall covering, Dichroic window film, Spot UV prints, switchable glass film and much more!


By opening up to tours, we hope not only to educate visitors on MetWest’s capabilities and our range of products, but also inspire them to push creative boundaries when designing their own interiors. With custom solutions and in house design services, the sky is truly the limit at MetWest! If you haven’t yet seen the space yourself, we invite you to make an appointment at our showroom homepage.

New Sample Box

Another important 2023 goal for us was to reimagine our sample box – and we’re pretty thrilled with the result! Previously, our sample collections were sent out in a set of three binders. For our new collection, we wanted to consolidate into a unified set, showcase more of our customization capabilities, and beautify both the box and samples. Do you think we succeeded?


Our new set comes in a colorfully branded box and includes sets of full height custom gradients, popular frosted films, custom glass films and wall coverings, and more! Have you gotten your set yet? If not, then please reach out to our team at hello@metwest.com and request a sample box for your firm or materials library!

Made The Cover of Window Film Magazine 

Going way back to January 2023, we had an awesome kick-off to the year by being featured on the cover of Window Film Magazine! This article highlighted our work at NFL Los Angeles, which included a massive scope of custom wall covering and glass film which joyously celebrated football in every inch of their interior space. It was our unique niche specializing in the customization of both types of surface finishes that allowed us to bring a project with such diverse and technically challenging elements to a successful completion.


The article interviewed several members of our team about the production and project management aspects of this scale of work. Because the project incorporated both glass film and wall covering, it highlighted for Window Film Magazines’ audience the potential in the overlap of these two industries. We hope to see more installers, designers, and printers embrace the dual power of wall covering and glass film!

Feature Article in Graphics Pro Magazine

We ended the year with another exciting press development: a second cover feature, this time on Graphics Pro Magazine. The article interviewed our founder and CEO Kelly Taylor on how MetWest’s 30 year company journey to bring it where it is today. The article also goes into some of our most interesting projects in the past year, new print technologies, and how we’ve set ourselves apart from competitors in the industry.

New UVgel Printers

We acquired our first UVgel printer in 2022, and were so enthralled with this new print technology we expanded to two additional UVgel printers in 2023. If you had a custom printed wall covering or glass film from us last year, odds are it was created with UVgel ink. What makes this so noteworthy?


UVgel printers have won multiple industry awards internationally for their impressive features. You can learn in depth about what UVgel printing is and what it offers in our blog on the topic here. But to sum it up, our clients benefit particularly from two particular features:


  1. UVgel prints have incredibly high image quality, with a resolution of up to 1800 dpi.
  2. Unbeatable durability – standing up unaffected even against hours long exposure to bleach.

We’re always looking to provide the most innovative solutions out there to our clients. That’s why we’re so happy to expand our UVgel capabilities in order to deliver the best custom print products possible.

Looking Forward To A New Year of Innovation and Design

2023 was a wonderful year for both us and our clients, and we can’t wait to see what this new year brings! If your 2024 includes wall covering or glass film projects, then we’d love to partner with you. Until then, we wish you all a year of exciting innovation, bold design, and boundless creativity.

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